Thursday, August 12, 2010


Its done.

6, or so, weeks ago.....

today : )

ouch! I sit here in pain : )
but a hysterically happy pain!!!
Miss Mimsy did a fabulous job. As I said in my earlier tattoo post, Mimsy is the coolest chic I know. Betty Rizzo and Danny Zuko rolled into one, with a pinch of Sandy on the side : P

Thankfully today wasn't nearly as painful as the first session, I managed to actually speak for a large chunk of it, but, well....I was still a bit of a...girl. It hurts!!!
I just love the finished product. love. I keep looking at it (the picture, apparently when I try to look at it in the mirror I look like a dog chasing its tail...) It really is better than I imagined possible! Eeeeeeek!!!!

I did say that I would explain the 'meaning' behind this image, while it is adorably cute, there was a reason for each element. I started out the whole 'new' tattoo for the sole reason of wanting to tattoo 'jasper' onto myself. I already have/had 'Scarlet', and, well, you can't have one without the other! I wasn't sure what I wanted, or where.
Still trying to work out where to put 'jasper', and, this tattoo actually covered my 'scarlet' now I need to get that re-done somewhere!
The Elephant and the Clown are for my grandmothers. They have both been very influential in my life, and while they are incredibly different they are both strong women. Ma has collected elephants for as long as I can remember. Her house is FULL. Grandma collects clowns, she isn't as crazy in her collecting, but she does have quite a few!
The teacup comes from my great grandmother, and myself. My Great grandmother (Ma's mother) lived to a ripe old age of 105, and it warms my heart that she got to meet Scarlet, who we named after her. My memories of Nanna, are many, but I always loved having tea with her. Out of tea cups. The sound she made, as she sipped her tea would have to be one of my favorite sounds. And now I collect tea cups (again, what is with this collecting stuff? In my defense...I collect a lot of stuff!!)
The bunnies? well....they're my babies. We're rabbits :)
so there you have it.
Lots of rambling.



  1. Marissa, this has got to be the best tattoo I have ever seen. The stories and the family connections involved in bringing it all together, make it all the more special. Truly beautiful ♥

  2. marissa, i love what rikki said and thought exactly the same thing as i read your post. so special & precious. i was just thinking of my nana today (she passed away 7 years ago)...i was recalling her pale green biscuit tin and how much i loved it when she lifted the lid and i reached in to take one of her homemade peanut brownies ♥ nana's rule. xo

  3. your blog is really something special.
    I am enlightened by all of the loveliness each photo has to offer.
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    happy blogging x x
