Monday, November 15, 2010

Mini Fashionista

Its official. I have no control or input when it comes to Scarlets outfits. I knew this day would come...its been slowly creeping up, for a while. We made it to 5, that a good run, yeah? I love shopping for Scarlet. I love buying unusual pieces- usually that I would love to wear myself. She gets them and....the outfits that she put together....its just....full on. Not always bad. but very in your face...
This was todays outfit for kindy. I gave her jeans and a tshirt to put on. She smiled, and the next time I saw her she was covered in spots. Can polka dots be over done? Maybe. So, just to be safe, she paired the spots with stripes. Ahhh thats better. We're balanced now :)



And notice how she REFUSED to look at the camera....that was because she was going to kindy. Still hates it. after 2 years. 


  1. I am so envious that your offspring is passionate about unusual clothing selections. Deeply, deeply envious. I was so ready for this in my life... and it hasn't happened.

    In fact, the realisation just hit that it will never happen. That's sad.

    Embrace it!

  2. Oh my gosh she is so adorable, LOVE the socks
