Saturday, April 17, 2010

The dream that started the bunny craze.

Well, HELLO :) I've decided to jump on the 'blog' wagon. I'm looking forward to sharing bits and pieces of my life with you all...
I thought I'd start off by explaining the name of my blog.
I have a gorgeous little girl called Scarlet. When she was 3 she started telling me about her dreams. Like her mum, she is in NO way a morning person. We would/could sleep all day if we were given half the chance. On this particular morning she stumbled out of bed and came walking up the hallway, with the best bed hair I have ever seen, still half asleep, with her eyes only just open. She came over to the bench, climbed up onto the stool, looked at me and said "mumma and scarlet were rabbits" Then promptly put her head down and I'm sure she almost went back to sleep. That was the first dream she told me about, from then on she would come out every morning with a story to tell. And now, before she goes to sleep she tells her brain (out loud) what she would like to dream about that night (usually chocolate!)
"mumma and scarlet were rabbits" touched my heart for a few reasons. It was obviously a very cute moment, but it was more than that. I have always had the most vivid (yet strange) dreams. always. I have always loved dreaming, and now my little baby girl was telling me about her crazy dreams. Now I can get lost in the thought of what she dreams about, and the thoughts that go thru her head. She is nearly 5 now, but she still remembers that dream, and it started our mutual love for all things rabbit. Little bunnies have popped up all over our house, in the form of lamps, photos and on dresses. I've drawn them and there is even a tattoo 'in progress'. I'd get myself a little bunny- but living in Brisbane, I'm not allowed :(
Here's a shot of my latest bunny purchase. Everybody needs a giant rabbit cookie jar....

And here is the bunny herself,



  1. Hello beautiful! Such a gorgeous story, can't wait to read more...
    ♥ R

  2. Lovely lovely lovely. I am reminded of one of our favorite stories, "The Runaway Bunny." At the end of the book, the mother rabbit says, "Have a carrot." For years, our family says the same thing to mean, "I love you." Keep the dreams coming. Hayley xo

  3. Thanks Rikki and Hayley! I'm very excited about starting....but a wee bit scared too :)
