Thursday, June 17, 2010

friendship is like a dress....

So. I've had a bad week. an emotional week. a draining week. A week where I learnt something and a week where I truly surprised myself. A friendship has come to an abrupt end, and I have been so sad about it, I have been obsessing about the 'why' 'how' I mean ....really?
"Breaking up" with a friend is remarkably similar to breaking up with a boyfriend, I've had all the usual comments "oh, I never liked her" "They weren't good for you" I even had a "you can do better" which I did laugh out loud to, but it is strange. I'm 30. This kind of stuff isn't meant to happen in the adult it? Altho, I did hear that Madonna and Gwyneth broke up too....

In my sadness, and obsessing about how I could 'fix' it, and even my anger at the whole situation a lovely friend had some words of wisdom, you know when something just 'clicks'? She said...(very tongue in cheek)
A friendship is like a dress....It makes you look fabulous and feel great. You have nights out, lots of fun and some great memories. But dresses wear, and they go out of fashion. No matter how much you love them. You have two choices. You can put the dress to the back of your cupboard, and hope that it comes back in fashion, or, you can donate the dress to charity. Her advice to me?
"That dress is no vintage Chanel frock. It's making you look frumpy. Bin it"

So I learnt that sometimes things are just out of our control (gasp) I've had to put my emotions aside, and just accept that maybe a friendship that I thought was important, and that I valued so much just wasn't working. Putting emotions and hurt feelings aside? A tricky one for me. So hard. But, when you do, breathing is easier.

So feeling a little more at ease with a situation that is out of my control Scarlet and I decided to rumage thru my cupboard, to see what dresses had been pushed to the back. She found a lovely pink and red dress....worn once....not really me. Scarlet decided it was very much 'her' , found some matching shoes, and off we went.....

My Scarlet? She will always be in fashion :)



  1. Marissa, I LOVE this post. I too have recently discarded of an "unfashionable dress." I too went through the various emotions of a horrible breakup. Thank you for this wonderful story. I think I will use it in my processing. ;) I also love the photo shoot that arrived from your newfound discovery. Lovely photos!! Keep posting!!!

  2. Oh ((hugs)) to you hon. Beautiful pictures. Love. Love. Love.

  3. The story touched my heart and the photos are incredibly beautiful Marissa!

  4. I love the analogy, Marissa. Friendships can be so tricky! Goodness, we all grow and change and experience different things at different times and our understanding of things can be so different. Different sometimes is awesome, different at other times can be disastrous. I love the photos :) Your Scarlet - totally in fashion :) Lxxx

  5. oh so glad something so lovely came from your yucky week ♥
